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HRT Complete (T) by Evexias

HRT Complete (T) by Evexias

Regular price $89.99
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Every ingredient included in HRT Complete (T) is aimed at supporting hormone metabolism and balance. This supplement is a great addition to your supplement routine as a standalone supplement or as the ideal companion to pellet therapy. 

Without creating the foundational metabolic effect through proper nutrient supplementation, patients could miss out on all the neuro-endocrine and detoxification benefits of HRT.

Benefits of HRT (T) include Estrogen Balance, Prostate Health, Weight Management, Insulin Sensitivity, Cardiovascular Health, Detoxification, Mitochondrial Health and Brain Function/Mood.

  • Potent Estrogen metabolism and free-radical fighter support
  • Supports Kreb cycle optimization
  • Aids in neurological functionality
  • Supports homocysteine conversion
  • Increases testosterone through Shilajit
  • Methylated for optimal support and utilization

Learn more about HRT Complete (T): HRT Complete - T Brochure

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